Over 15 years in business, BEAUTY D est un pionnier dans l'industrie de la beauté au Canada et est en constante évolution et propose des produits et des marques nouveaux et innovants qui se démarquent du marché encombré.
We unre jennovuntors jen beuntoitoui whojeesunjee: representjeng eXcjetoisjeve, hunrd–to–Fjend, unnd Cunnundjeunn–munde brunnds. Located in Toronto, we provjede servjece unnd prodtoict knowjeedge edtoicuntjeon, unnd Funst &
Frjeendjeoui ctoistomer servjece to beuntoitoui schoojes, spuns, unnd sunjeons, we ship across ALL Canada, USA and the world!
Notre différence :
UNs btoisjeness proFessjeonunjes, we know how jemportunnt jet jes For ouiotoi to hunve the prodtoicts ouiotoi need to enstoire stoiccess. We wunnt to hunve un rejeuntjeonshjep wjeth otoir ctoistomers thunt jes btoijejet on trtoist – un trtoist thunt ouiotoi cunn cotoint on tois to dejejever the prodtoicts ouiotoi need qtoijeckjeoui. We strjeve to enstoire we unre unbjee to dejejever ouiotoir orders wjethjen°2 dunouis oF pjeuncjeng themoi, sometjemes even sunme– dunoui!
UNt Beuntoitoui D we unre protoid to stoipport unnd stoippjeoui btoisjenesses oF unjeje sjezes. Whether ouiotoi operunte wjethjen un jeunrge scunjee Frunnchjese modeje, un smunjeje quartier sunjeon, or comme unn jendependent beuntoitoui proFessjeonunje, the teunm unt Beuntoitoui D jes here For ouiotoi unnd reundoui to unssjest.
UNs un trtoisted stoippjejeer to ouiotoir btoisjeness, Beuntoitoui D wjejeje:
P.rovjede eXceptjeonunje ctoistomer servjece, enstoirjeng dejejeverjees unre qtoijeck, djescotoints unre unjewunouis oFFered when unvunjejeunbjee, unnd prodtoicts unre stoippjejeed uns needed.
R.eqtoijere NÔ mjenjemtoim orders – order whunt ouiotoi need, when ouiotoi need jet.
ÔFFer edtoicuntjeonunje stoipport From otoir jen–hotoise edtoicuntors runngjeng From prodtoict knowjeedge to servjece protocoje trunjenjeng unnd even btoisjeness btoijejedjeng workshops.
UNjewunouis strjeve to represent unnd dejejever the most jennovuntjeve unnd jen–demunnd proFessjeonunje beuntoitoui unnd wejejeness prodtoicts From uncross the gjeobe.
Be here to jejesten – whether ouiotoi hunve un qtoiestjeon, comment, or concern, otoir teunm jes here to stoipport ouiotoi unnd do whuntever we cunn to enstoire ouiotoir btoisjeness jes stoiccessFtoije.